Friday 13 February 2015

WEEK 6 ~ Trees and Recursive Functions

     I'm not all too sure what I find more difficult: writing a recursive function or understanding the trees well enough to write the correct recursive function.

     The latest lab exercise on trees seemed simple at first but got pretty difficult the more we worked at it. My partner and I could not pass all the doctests no matter what we tried. Some code will pass more tests then the others but it was hard to tell if we were on the right track or if it was just worked under specific circumstances. It started to get frustrating which only made it harder. This weekend I'm going to try to finish up the lab exercise and ask for some hints from peers along the way.

     The new assignment requires us to implement recursion so I'm definitely going to spend some time during this reading week to practice recursion and do some of the extra exercises from the previous labs. As soon as I get through that I'm going to start on the assignment so I have enough time to fix the bugs I'll have in this assignment.


1 comment:

I'm open to any feedback! Thanks!